Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Create a "real" context for learning.

It is not always easy to immerge pupils in the language. I had a nice Year 10. The pupils were preparing their GCSE and were struggling as soon as I was not following the text book. This is why I created the following resource using "real" materials (from Le Monde):

Context: Pupils are in Paris. They have to find the perfect accommodation for a young couple (invent what they are looking for).

Organisation: 4 pupils/group

- PowerPoint presentation
- 4 tables (at each corner of the classroom)
- 1 decription of 1 appartment by table (+1 copy)
- 1 to 2 dictionaries on each table
- 1 map of the underground to each group
- Paper and pens on each table
(- OPTIONAL: underground tickets, 4/person, each pupil has to leave a ticket on the table when they reach their destination)

1- Each pupil is only allowed to "visit" or read the description of 2 accommodations.
2 - They have to take notes.
3 - They come back to their group and share information.
4 - The group writes down which accommodation they have chosen and justify why.
5 - Each group present their findings to the class.
6 - The class has to evaluate the other groups performance.
OPTIONAL but so tempting... 7 - The teacher awards a prize of his/her choice...

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